Prepare for Winter with these Homeowner Tips

Crossing over from September to October sets off an alarm in the minds of Pennsylvania homeowners- the weather begins to change in earnest from summer to fall, the leaves begin to change color and fall, and, most noticeably, temperatures start to drop.

It’s good for a time. Sweater weather, pumpkin spice, and the approaching holiday season ignites in humanity a sense of warmth that only this time of year brings. The season also carries with it the need to prepare your home so that all this time of year has to offer isn’t interrupted with a frantic call to your HVAC repairman, fuel supplier, or plumber.

To that end, here are a few items to consider as we approach heating season.

Prepare your HVAC system

General rule of thumb is to schedule HVAC maintenance twice a year: once before cooling season and once before heating season. If you haven’t already schedule for heating season, now is the time to mark that off your to-do list.

Regular HVAC maintenance ensures your filters are cleaned or replaced, looks for leaks in your system, checks for unusual sounds and noises, and gives you a better idea on the efficiency of your system.

Putting off regular HVAC maintenance can shorten the lifespan of your heating system through increased wear and tear and lead to weaker efficiency, more emergency repairs, worsened air quality, and more.

Preventative home maintenance

When summer approaches, you check the lawnmower for performance and gas, tighten window and door seals, inspect your home, and much more in preparation for warm weather. The same mentality is necessary for heating season.

Summer heat and thunderstorms can do a number on windows, doors, gutters, roofs, and yards. Damage to these areas can lead to more than just an unpleasant living environment. Get to work by performing preventative maintenance on:


Check for cracked, damaged, and missing shingles. Make sure the roof is sealed properly, clear gutters, and redirect downspouts that might draw excess water to the base of the home. The last thing you want to do during winter is call your roofer following a major snow storm.

Seal up masonry

Add insulation and caulk around windows and doors where necessary. Sealing up any cracks in walls, doors, and floors will lead to greater efficiency and keep the elements out at a time of year when warm air struggles to stay indoors.

Chat with an arborist

This may sound a bit extreme, but it’s brilliant. Trees in and around your yard can withstand the elements well, but old trees with rotting limbs can cause serious damage to your home, vehicles, and potentially you and others. Calling an arborist and hiring them to walk around your yard looking for tree dangers and hazards gives you that extra layer of protection once winter storm season strikes.

Hire a chimney sweep

Whether you use your fireplace three to four times a week or just once a week during the winter, hiring a chimney sweep regularly is always advisable. You may think your chimney looks fine, but internal water damage to bricks is likely with the frequency Eastern storms. Play it safe and have your chimney inspected.

Contact your heating oil or propane supplier

Your roof might be inspected, yard tidied, walls insulated and windows sealed, but if you haven’t chatted with your home heating fuel supplier ahead of heating season, you have one thing left to do.

From experience with our customers and prospective customers, Flynn Energy understands the frustration of not having a reliable supplier. Our focus is to offer friendly customer service, honest communication, and reliable delivery.

Whether you are a current customer or needing to find a new supplier, we can get your squared away for winter. Visit us online at or give us a call at 570-268-3880