Help The Drivers Help You!

Winter means cold weather and cold weather means heating oil and propane deliveries. On top of the same bad weather road conditions that you the customer deal with, our drivers face other challenges every time their trucks hit the roads to go fill up someone’s tanks. Below are a few tips for how you can help us make sure that their jobs are safer and the service the they bring to you is more efficient.

Trim tree limbs.

With the area that we live in being very rural, trees and bushes are part of our lives, homes, and scenery. That said, sometimes these limbs and shrubbery can make it difficult for the drivers to reach the places they need to. Hanging tree limbs can block our trucks from safely entering your driveway or over your tank, even going so far as to snap off and fall down. Overgrown shrubs and bushes can also make getting to the valves on tanks for refilling them problematic, so we ask that you help our drivers out by keeping them neat and trimmed.

Shovel driveways and paths.

We’ve all been there. A driveway that isn’t shoveled, or is improperly shoveled, and our vehicles have trouble getting up it, or can’t even make it the full way. Despite the horsepower our trucks bring to the table, and the experience of our drivers, even the best skills and machinery fall victim to an overabundance of snow. It’s because of this potential pitfall that we ask that if you know a delivery is going to be made, please help to accommodate our drivers with a well plowed or shoveled path up your driveway and to your tank.

Ice. No one likes ice.

While snow can be a problem, ice is the real headache. Snow covered driveways impede progress, ice completely derails it. Make sure that your driveway, walkways, and surrounding areas of your tank are properly de-iced so as to avoid problems for the trucks, and potential injury to our drivers. Nobody likes spinning and slipping on the ice, so taking care remove it best you can is just the neighborly thing to do.

Bad and inclement weather can impede progress, but when we work together towards a common goal and prepare for it, it’s merely a cautious afterthought.